The annual USBC Conference, called the National Breastfeeding Conference & Convening (NBCC), brings together a diverse set of clinical, community, advocacy, and research professionals who recognize the public health importance of breastfeeding as critical for reducing the burden of infant morbidity and mortality, childhood and adolescent overweight, obesity, and chronic disease, and maternal type 2 diabetes and maternal breast and ovarian cancers.
The convening is designed to develop and strengthen the leadership capacity of the public health workforce, including representatives from direct service organizations, breastfeeding coalitions, hospitals and healthcare facilities, health departments, research institutions, and federal agencies to effectively protect, promote, and support breastfeeding at the national, state, local, and community levels. Read below to learn more! |
The U.S. Breastfeeding Committee is hosting the 2024 National Breastfeeding Conference & Convening. The virtual conference will be held Monday, June 3, through Wednesday, June 5, from 12 to 5 p.m. ET each day.
The theme, Inspiring Change, Embracing Inclusion, and Impacting Communities, guides this year’s selection of learning and networking opportunities. Download the detailed agenda here! The NBCC program centers equity and belonging while providing practical tools and information for coalitions and organizations. Experts and leaders from across the First Food field come together for this singular event to catalyze policy and systems-level changes to better support breastfeeding and human milk feeding across the nation. NBCC sessions are designed to advance our collective understanding of the barriers that keep us from achieving national goals related to maternal, infant, and child health outcomes, in addition to sharing resources and promising solutions to overcome these challenges. The convening will feature an engaging selection of plenary speakers, panel presentations, and networking opportunities. Learn more about conference details, pricing, and marketing opportunities by selecting the buttons below. New information will continue to be added as it becomes available on this webpage. Stay up to date with the latest conference information by following the USBC Facebook page and signing up for the Staying Abreast: Weekly Wire newsletter. |
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