2023 Theme: This is Our WhyThe 2022 NBM theme is a celebration of the power and impact of our collective efforts. The USBC vision of thriving families and communities cannot be achieved by any one person, or by just one organization. It happens with daily effort by us all, and by working together to make change. We look forward to celebrating all efforts in service to babies, families, and human milk feeding during August!
How you can help: State, County, and City Breastfeeding Month Proclamations Each year the USBC requests a Congressional Proclamation to declare August as National Breastfeeding Month in the United States. In 2021, the USBC was thrilled to pilot a toolkit that individuals could use to urge their governor to proclaim August as "Breastfeeding Month" in their state or territory. The NBM Proclamation Toolkit has been updated for use again this year. See below for a list of local proclamations, and please share yours with us! |
Copyright U.S. Breastfeeding Committee. All Rights Reserved.
1629 K Street NW, Suite 300 | Washington, DC 20006 Phone: (773) 359-1549 | [email protected] | sitemap QuestionPro's survey software plays a major role in helping us keep in touch with our alumni, volunteers, donors, employees, and other affiliates. Surveying them has helped strengthen our relationship. |